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Read Me First! Stratagems of the Devil: How Florida Prosecutors Created and Used Some of the Most Dangerous MeToo False Accusers in the Worl...

November 8, 2022

Who is the Man Who Made The Statement?

Who is the Man Who Made The Statement?

Who is the man who made the statement? That is what people have been asking of a statement that appeared in two reports since 2016.

In February, 2016 Grassroots Leadership published a nineteen page report titled Incorrect Care: A Prison Profiteer Turns Care into Confinement. Page 14 of that report stated, in part,

Similarly to private prison and immigrant detention contracts, the state is incentivized to keep the number of individuals confined in Littlefield high, rather than encouraging rehabilitation and release. This perverse incentive is especially troublesome because oversight for the program will come only from the agency itself. As evidence of this perverse incentive, a man housed in the Florida Civil Commitment Center revealed that CCS files excessive disciplinary reports, which are then used against program participants. He writes,

There is something fundamentally wrong when my for-profit keepers can write as many disciplinary reports against me as they please... and then use those disciplinary reports against me at trial to civilly commit me and during my annual reviews to keep me committed so my for-profit keepers can make money off me.

A footnote, #94 in the Grassroots report, simply attributes the statement of the man confined to the FCCC to "Personal Communication, December 2015."

Subsequently, the above quoted statement of that FCCC resident appeared in a July, 2022 report authored by Derek Louge of Louge took that entire Grassroots paragraph and quoted it on page 30 of his 48 page report titled A History of the Texas Civil Commitment Program.

The entire sentence made by the man confined to the FCCC stated, "There is something fundamentally wrong when my for-profit keepers can write as many disciplinary reports against me as they please, sans any oversight from [the Florida Department of Children and Families] who has custody of me, and then use those disciplinary reports against me at trial to civilly commit me and during my annual reviews to keep me committed so my for­ profit keepers can make money off me."

So, who was the man who originally wrote the statement that appeared in the Grassroots Leadership report and subsequently was quoted in the Derek Logue report?

The man is Gary L. Perrot, author of the upcoming book Stratagems of the Devil: How Florida Prosecutors Created and Used Some of the Most Dangerous MeToo False Accusers in the World. Perrot made the statement in a December 18, 2015, fifteen page letter to Cate Graziani, Mental Health Campaigns Coordinator for Grassroots Leadership.

And now you know.

Copyright © 2022 by Gary L. Perrot
All Rights Reserved.
Copying or reproduction by any means is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Gary L. Perrot.

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