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Read Me First! Stratagems of the Devil: How Florida Prosecutors Created and Used Some of the Most Dangerous MeToo False Accusers in the Worl...

November 8, 2022

Unfiltered Response to August 31, 2022 Anonymous Comments

Unfiltered Response to August 31, 2022 Anonymous Comments

I am going to address two, final, "anonymous" comments that were submitted to this website on August 31, 2022 at 11:05 and 11:15 pm. The comments were submitted in response to my postings, Corrupt State Attorney Hinders Efforts to Depose Witnesses, which I posted on March 8, 2022, and The Following is being Published as a Public Service, which I posted on March 10, 2022. The commentor(s) stated as follows:

    I. Corrupt State Attorney Hinders Efforts to Depose Witnesses

"The reason for people not answering your questions is simple. You were asking questions that did not pertain to the case. It is none of your business what these victims have done with their lives after you destroyed them. They also are afraid of you coming after them. Get over yourself, you are a horrible person and need to leave your victims alone. It is  not  the  prosecutor harming them and making them relive what you have done, it is you by requesting the new trial and you are the one demanding the depositions. You sir are the ASSHOLE not the prosecutor."


    II. The Following is being Published as a Public-Service

"It is truly sad that someone as evil as yourself can publish false information. You ARE GUILTY of what you were charged with and she was not the only woman you were guilty of doing such vile things to ... time to stop the crap and own up to what a horrible and evil person you are." (Capitalizations in original) 

(Why this comment was posted under a post pertaining to Elizabeth George-Baker is unclear. I was not charged with any criminal offenses committed upon Baker. She is an ex­-wife who fabricates allegations almost every time she opens her mouth. [Read Excerpts]).


To the commentor(s), I respond as follows: With all due respect, what planet could you possibly be from? Did you not read the Introduction, Excerpts, and other portions of this website?

The questions I asked were asked in discovery depositions. The keyword here is "discovery." I get to "discover" information. The law is clear that an­ attorney,  and especially a prosecutor,  cannot tell a witness not to answer a question and that a witness must answer the question's posed to them. Their refusal to answer may very well result in a new trial if I am committed which means that they will not only have to answer the questions but they may have to go through not only the upcoming trial but yet another trial.

Thus, exercising a little common sense on the part of the witness to answer a question and do so truthfully goes a long way. It is the prosecutor and the witnesses who are trying to cover things up by refusing to  answer  questions. Otherwise what is the big deal about answering a question if there is nothing to hide? I have a reason for each question I ask which I can connect to my case. Just because you do not think I can  does not make it so.

As I have made clear at other locations on this website, I tried numerous times since 2018 to settle this case going so far as to be willing to self­-commit for a period of time. I did so, not because I am guilty or think I am in need of some sort of "treatment" but, just so I could save these women the humiliation of depositions and an ass-ripping trial, their embarrassment of being exposed as liars and false accusers on the Internet and in a book, and so we could all get the hell on with what we have left of our lives. The State Attorney would not even talk to me. Thus, you and these women need to blame the prosecutor and themselves for what they are going through and will now be going through for the rest of their lives. It is unfair for you to blame me because I decided to exercise my constitutional rights to the fullest extent only after they made the decision to try and deprive me of my freedom, yet again, for the  rest of my life.  They could have made the decision to make all this go away. They chose not to. Understand?

I am not the person "making" these women relive anything. It is the prosecutor, not me, who is not leaving these women alone and insisting they go to trial where they will be humiliated, embarrassed and exposed through reliving their lies and false allegations. Lying under oath constitutes perjury. Perjury is a crime. These women could face criminal charges, to say nothing of a possible civil lawsuit. Surely they know the risks involved in a trial and surely the prosecutor told them about my offers to settle and what they faced if they refused to settle. If the prosecutor did not then your ire lay with the prosecutor. If you are this damn upset I simply do not understand why you have not picked up the telephone and called State Attorney Bruce Bartlett and his assistant, Kendall Davidson, at the Pinellas County, Florida State Attorney's Office and bitched at them. Why take out all your hostilities on me?

You state that "you ARE GUILTY of what you were charged with."  Oh, really? Let's see: I was charged with witness tampering and kidnapping of Juanita Meek-Sellars based upon what she alleged. The witness tampering count was dropped by prosecutors on the morning of my 1996  criminal trial "for the reason that further investigation of this case by the State Attorney's Office has revealed that further prosecution  is not warranted." (LINK to Document) I was then found NOT GUILTY and ACQUITTED of kidnapping by the trial court in the middle of my trial "upon the grounds that the State failed to establish a Prima Facie case as a matter of law." (LINK to Document).  In other words it was established that Juanita Meek-Sellars lied and falsely accused me of at least witness tampering and kidnapping. (I could have sued Juanita Meek in civil court for false arrest for these false charges. I chose not to. and instead decided to simply put everything behind me, forget her, and proceed with my life. I will not make that mistake again).

Court documents supporting above discussion
Witness tampering charge dropped
Acquittal (Not Guilty) of kidnapping

You comment that these women "are afraid of [me] coming after them." Are you one of them or related to one of them? Where would you (or they) get such an idea? No doubt from the prosecutor. This is simply a half-assed, half-baked assumption on your part or on their part and is totally without merit.

To begin with I am not responsible for what my ex-wives and ex-girlfriends think and how they feel. Moreover I do not care what they think and how they feel. Me going after them physically is absurd, is delusional thinking on their part, would serve me no legitimate purpose, would be illegal, and would only tend to get me into trouble. The truth is, I wish them no physical harm at all. The truth is, I forgave everyone while I was in prison. All I wanted (and want) was (is) to be left alone after my criminal sentence ended but a select few would not, and will not leave me alone. They seek to cause me physical harm by continuing to try to imprison me.

It is because of these select individuals, and their continued efforts of coming after me, that that I decided to go public and speak out against and expose all of them, wielding as weapons the truth backed up with facts and solid evidence. I am not going public to cause harm to them but to get the truth out as I am simply unwilling to let any one of them do to me again what they did to me during my criminal trial proceedings. Enough is enough and I have had more than enough!

Thanks to the prosecutor's unwillingness to settle l have been left with no choice but to do depositions. l have no choice but to investigate each one of them and gather evidence to refute their claims and show they are lying. l have no choice but to go to trial. I will have no choice but to file an appeal if committed. I will have no choice but to go to trial again if I win on appeal. If not granted a new trial I will have no choice but to file for an evidentiary hearing for a new trial. This process will repeat itself until I die. And of course there will be a book, a website, and much more that expose these women as liars and false accusers. All of this would not happen had the prosecutor and the witnesses let me go on with my life after my sentence ended or settled this case.

The current State Attorney, Bruce Bartlett, and his assistant, Kendall Davidson, are puppet masters, willing to sacrifice these women just so they can attempt to win a case at trial. But to what end? After this case is decided by a jury, win or lose, the prosecutors will go happily on to the next case. These women will be left living this case and their lies, false allegations, embarrassment and humiliation again and again and will do so very publicly, every day, for the rest of their lives. The prosecutors are actually doing me the favor because now it is my opportunity to expose the truth behind all these allegations, something that would not have been done had the prosecutors and the witnesses been willing to settle or simply went on with their lives and left me go on with mine.

If committed via a trial I can always "do the treatment program" and get out, but by doing so these women still get exposed as liars and false accusers so let me ask you this: What kind of a prosecutor (to say nothing of the witnesses) would be willing to piss-off a sure thing like a settlement and instead insist on proceeding to trial where they could very well lose and which, win or lose, will definitely result in the witnesses being publically embarrassed and humiliated, not only in front of a jury but before the entire world via the Internet and a in book? It is social suicide for them which, at the same time, will eventually lead to my release anyway. It would have been much better to settle without a trial and without a website and book exposing them as liars and false accusers but they did not want this so screw them. Let them now they face the consequences of their decision.

I have stopped asking, "how stupid can the prosecutors and these women get?" because they keep taking it as a challenge to show me.

If demanding a trial because the prosecutors and witnesses will not settle, if demanding depositions so I can discover and investigate, if investigating these women because they refuse to tell the truth, if going public with the truth and backing it up with documentation because these women continue to spin their lies and deceit, and if showing the world these women are liars and false accusers because the prosecutor and these women are willing to let me do so makes me an "ASSHOLE" then I gladly accept and proudly wear that title. In fact, I will bold it, underline it and italicize it just for you. ASSHOLE. There are you happy?

When you get to be my age certain things just aren't that important anymore. I have slowed way down, I am in a hurry to do nothing. I'm too damn old to be doing stupid, silly shit; too damn medically compromised to be. doing anything physical; and too damn cantankerous to care anything about what you or my exes are doing or thinking because I am tired and have had more than enough of all this horsehair. Just about anything I do can have an adverse medical effect on my life. I have to watch what I eat, what I drink, the quality of and how much sleep I get, and  I  need  to remember what pills I need to take and when to take them. As I have  aged my life has changed dramatically in many ways and most  of  those  ways have not been for the better. I suffered through a COVID-19 infection in November, 2020 before a vaccine was available  and consider  myself  lucky to have survived that ordeal as some of my  acquaintances  here  at  the FCCC did not. As I write this I do so from my bed while being treated for a suspected case of pneumonia. These lying, false accusing women are  worried about me coming after them while I worry about taking my  next breath. Clearly they worry about the wrong thing.

If I were one of these women and did not want  to  go  through  the depositions, investigations and humiliations and embarrassment of being exposed as a liar  and false  accuser  at trial and on the worldwide  web and  in a book, I would ask the prosecutors but a single question: "What the hell were you thinking when you filed a petition to civilly commit Mr. Perrot and refused to discuss a settlement with him when he will eventually get out anyway, one way or another?"

These court proceedings have been going on with these women since 1995. You would think these women would have tired of all this horseshit like I have and would have wanted to put all this behind them after my criminal trial and get on with their lives. Clearly though you would be wrong.

Considering my medical issues I may live another ten years. If I now have to put up with all this civil commitment horseshit for the rest of my life then I think it only fair that these women now put up with it for the rest of theirs'. Don't you think that is fair?

I have absolutely nothing to lose by going to trial. I am already inside the Florida Civil Commitment Center and there is nothing out there that I want, need or desire that I cannot do or get in here. My ex-wives and ex­-girlfriends, on the other hand, now have everything to lose including their reputations, credibility, standing in the community, job, friends, etc., and possibly their own freedom for committing perjury and other crimes. Who wants to employ someone who has been proven, by documentary evidence (and in some cases by their own words) to be a liar, perjurer and false accuser and who may end up going to prison for perjury and other crimes? Would you want someone like that working for you, handling your money, and having contact with your clients or customers, especially if their photo is on a local billboard and their lies, perjury, false allegations and other criminal offenses are detailed in a book and on the Internet? Do you want someone like that as a friend? Their lies and false allegations may very well ruin them and their families. And as for the prosecutors they will just laugh off what is said about them, say it's all part of the job, and go on with their lives.

You people pay for everything for me while I'm in the FCCC except my television, Xbox, Blu-ray player, mp3 player, video games, and some other creature comforts. I owe no one anything and have no credit card debt. How much money do you owe to how many people and companies? I am not the one paying ridiculous prices for rent or mortgage payments, food, gas, medical and dental insurance and care, deductibles, utilities, home owners and auto insurance, car payments, clothes, and etc., you are. Inflation barely affects me and rising interest rates have no effect on me.What effect do they have on you?

If you, the State, and these women think it is fiscally responsible to continue to incarcerate me, after having already spent well over $1.5 million to incarcerate me, (think about that, over $1.5 million thus far), so be it. It only goes to show that none of you have any common sense as each of you is actually paying for me to investigate each of these women, take them to trial, write my book, maintain my website, expose them as liars and false accusers, watch movies and play video games. If I were out there I would not be able to do any of this, nor would I be able to afford to do any of this, as I would be too busy working on rebuilding my life. Plus, being out there I run the risk of going back to prison should I fail to register something. So I ask you, who is the bigger fool here, me or all of you?

The only reason I would like to get out is to visit the grave of my parents who died while I was in prison.

You accuse me of publishing "false information" yet you have failed to identify a single thing I published which is false. Your accusation is thus a baseless conclusion and yet another false allegation unsupported by fact with no legitimate, credible, corroborating evidence just like the allegations of my ex-wives and ex-girlfriends. As I have stated elsewhere on this website, if you or anyone else can produce legitimate, identifiable an verifiable documentation demonstrating that I published something false or falsely accused someone on this website or in my book all you have to do is authentically identify yourself and provide me with that legitimate, identifiable and verifiable documentation and I will be more than happy to not only post/publish it, but I will publicly apologize for what I falsely published or to whoever I falsely accused

Unless they, and you, can do that I suggest that they, and you, stop your whining, moaning, groaning, gripping, bitching and complaining and shut the fuck up! It's time these women get over themselves, cease playing the hapless victims, stop the crap, leave me alone and own up to what horrible and evil persons they are, not to mention owning up to being liars and false accusers.

These anonymous comments tell me but one thing: Someone is upset, worried and panicking. Maybe it's time to put an end to all this nonsense.

I am a reasonable man so here is what I will do. If the State of Florida would like to settle this case I am willing to provide it one, last opportunity to enter into good-faith negotiations. So Mr., Ms., or Mrs., anonymous you have a prosecutor or one of my exes contact me within 30 days of this posting if this is what they want. I am willing to talk and listen. In fact, just send me an email address and I'll send them my phone number. If not, I will assume there is no interest. It is no skin off my ass either way. As I stated above, I've stopped asking, "How stupid can these people get?"

Now if you will excuse me I have better things to do as it is my favorite time of the day, Nap Time!

Copyright © 2022 by Gary L. Perrot
All Rights Reserved.
Copying or reproduction by any means is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Gary L. Perrot.

Who is the Man Who Made The Statement?

Who is the Man Who Made The Statement?

Who is the man who made the statement? That is what people have been asking of a statement that appeared in two reports since 2016.

In February, 2016 Grassroots Leadership published a nineteen page report titled Incorrect Care: A Prison Profiteer Turns Care into Confinement. Page 14 of that report stated, in part,

Similarly to private prison and immigrant detention contracts, the state is incentivized to keep the number of individuals confined in Littlefield high, rather than encouraging rehabilitation and release. This perverse incentive is especially troublesome because oversight for the program will come only from the agency itself. As evidence of this perverse incentive, a man housed in the Florida Civil Commitment Center revealed that CCS files excessive disciplinary reports, which are then used against program participants. He writes,

There is something fundamentally wrong when my for-profit keepers can write as many disciplinary reports against me as they please... and then use those disciplinary reports against me at trial to civilly commit me and during my annual reviews to keep me committed so my for-profit keepers can make money off me.

A footnote, #94 in the Grassroots report, simply attributes the statement of the man confined to the FCCC to "Personal Communication, December 2015."

Subsequently, the above quoted statement of that FCCC resident appeared in a July, 2022 report authored by Derek Louge of Louge took that entire Grassroots paragraph and quoted it on page 30 of his 48 page report titled A History of the Texas Civil Commitment Program.

The entire sentence made by the man confined to the FCCC stated, "There is something fundamentally wrong when my for-profit keepers can write as many disciplinary reports against me as they please, sans any oversight from [the Florida Department of Children and Families] who has custody of me, and then use those disciplinary reports against me at trial to civilly commit me and during my annual reviews to keep me committed so my for­ profit keepers can make money off me."

So, who was the man who originally wrote the statement that appeared in the Grassroots Leadership report and subsequently was quoted in the Derek Logue report?

The man is Gary L. Perrot, author of the upcoming book Stratagems of the Devil: How Florida Prosecutors Created and Used Some of the Most Dangerous MeToo False Accusers in the World. Perrot made the statement in a December 18, 2015, fifteen page letter to Cate Graziani, Mental Health Campaigns Coordinator for Grassroots Leadership.

And now you know.

Copyright © 2022 by Gary L. Perrot
All Rights Reserved.
Copying or reproduction by any means is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Gary L. Perrot.