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Read Me First! Stratagems of the Devil: How Florida Prosecutors Created and Used Some of the Most Dangerous MeToo False Accusers in the Worl...

September 14, 2022

Bartlett and the State Attorney's P.O. Box

Bartlett and the State Attorney's P.O. Box

If you review the list of campaign contributors to Bruce Bartlett's campaign for his bid as State Attorney, you will find a number of individuals who use the official mailing address of the State Attorney as their own address. These individuals include a teacher, retired individuals, and other people. (See List of Contributors; This list is also available as a table in the previous post, “Supporters of Corruption”).

What gives Bruce Bartlett and some of his supporters the right to use a publically paid for address as their own address is unknown.

The people of Pinellas County paid for this P.O. Box. It is the official mailing address for the State Attorney and should be used for only official business, not used for Bartlett's political campaign and aspirations, his own personal business, and Bartlett should not allow other people to use it to perpetrate a fraud by using it as their own address or making it appear that it is their address when it is not.

Copyright © 2022 by Gary L. Perrot
All Rights Reserved.
Copying or reproduction by any means is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Gary L. Perrot.

New Documents Received

New Documents Received

When I make a request for or subpoena documents I phrase the request in such a way that it produces any and all documents related to the life of the witness and their friends and relatives, incident or event. This could be for criminal records; police reports; investigative reports, narratives, mental impressions and final outcomes; driver's license applications and histories; property records; vehicle records; voter registrations; employment, social media sites and posts and etc. These types of requests produce all sorts of documents including documents that are not even related to me but are related to things the State's witnesses have done throughout their lives and the lives of their friends and relatives by themselves and with other people. This then leads to speaking with witnesses and requests for yet more documents.

While it is fairly easy for me to do an investigation (by myself and with an investigator) because I know what the witnesses are lying about, it takes time to do so as one document or witness will lead to another that has to be investigated and followed up on. This process repeats again and again as the investigation gets wider and wider, producing more witnesses who may have seen, heard or know something and more documents that contain more nuggets of information, some relevant to the case and some not. All are embarrassing to the witnesses and will be included in the book, Stratagems of the Devil.

My investigation was slowed during the last two plus years because of the pandemic, as some businesses, departments and agencies were closed or short-staffed. This caused a large backlog of requests for information and documents made by me and other people to these entities. I am now just getting responses to some of my requests that were made over three years ago.

A group of new documents that I recently received is going to be devastating to some of the State’s witnesses and the State’s case. I cannot go into details about these documents because I do not want to spill the beans to the State or its witnesses as to what the documents are, what they disclose or how they impact the witnesses even though I need to furnish some of them to the State Attorney.

The investigation continues, deepens, and gets more interesting as it produces yet more embarrassing information on some of these witnesses.

The State Attorney and his witnesses will eventually come to realize that I have opened a can of worms that they are going to wish was better off left closed. 

Copyright © 2022 by Gary L. Perrot
All Rights Reserved.
Copying or reproduction by any means is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Gary L. Perrot.

September 12, 2022

Anonymous Comments to this Website

Anonymous Comments to this Website

There have been a few comments from unknown or anonymous commenters that have been submitted to this website, basically commenting that what is on this website are lies and sticking up for my former wives and girlfriends.

It appears from the structure of these anonymous comments that they have been made by either one or more of my former wives or girlfriends or by someone directly or indirectly related to them.

I do not, and will not as a general rule, post comments from anonymous commenters.

I take ownership for everything I post on this website and which will appear in my book. I welcome your comments but if you want them posted then please take legitimate ownership for them, identify yourself, and do not hide behind anonymous.

If you see something on this website which you believe to be a false allegation or a lie you are welcome to identify it, provide identifiable and verifiable documentation showing that it is a lie or false allegation and I will be happy to not only post it but I will also publically apologize to whoever I falsely accused.

If you have any information on any of the individuals identified on this website which you believe may be interesting or you think I can use for my upcoming book please contact me. My contact information is listed under the “Contact Me” tab. I will keep your identity confidential. 

Copyright © 2022 by Gary L. Perrot
All Rights Reserved.
Copying or reproduction by any means is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Gary L. Perrot.