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September 30, 2021

September 30, 2021: Part 3 of Evaluation by State's Hired Gun Psychiatrist

I had part three of the evaluation being conducted by the State's hired gun, the psychiatrist. She is now up to over 11 hours conducting an evaluation. I find it interesting that both of the State's psychologists were able to complete an evaluation of me in some 4 hours yet this psychiatrist needs still more time to finish her evaluation. I suspect the reason this psychiatrist is taking so long is because she is getting paid the same as the psychologists, $200.00 per hour. This is a cash cow for her. Cha-Ching! Money in the bank!

This psychiatrist honed in on a letter I had written to Ron Book. (LINK TO LETTER TO RON BOOK). Ron Book is President of Lauren's Kids. (LINK TO LAUREN'S KIDS WEBSITE).

Ron Book is also a high-powered, wealthy, attorney on the east coast of Florida. (LINK TO RON BOOK ATTORNEY WEBSITE). Ron Book hired a nanny to look after his daughter, Lauren Book. The nanny molested Lauren for years before the molestation was revealed. (FIND AND LINK TO ARTICLE REGARDING NANNY MOLESTING LAUREN). Ron Book became a high­ powered lobbyist for corporations such as GEO, GEO Care, Correct Care and others who sought to become involved in the private, for-profit, prison industry and in the private, for-profit, civil commitment industry for sex offenders following their prison sentences. (LINK TO RON BOOK LOBBYIST WEBSITE). Ron Book also lobbied Florida legislators for tougher sex offender laws after his daughter was molested. It was as though he was blaming all sex offenders for molesting his daughter and for his failing as a father to notice that his own daughter was being abused right under his own nose.

Ron Book was a big shot with a big mouth when he was before Florida legislators and when on television. I called him out on it via that letter. The psychiatrist doing the evaluation of me did not like that one bit. I will cover why in a later post.

My letter to Ron Book, (LINK TO RON BOOK LETTER), along with a letter to then Senate President Don Gaetz, (LINK TO DON GAETZ LETTER) were discovered and seized during a search of my property by Florida Civil Commitment Center security staff and placed in my FCCC file. The psychiatrist obtained it after it was furnished to the State when Davidson obtained my FCCC records.

Those letters really pissed off some people here at the FCCC and at the Florida Department of Children and Families. This resulted in me being interviewed by Newsweek Magazine, along with two other FCCC inmates and Lauren Book. (LINK TO NEWSWEEK ARTICLE). All the inmates were given pseudonyms in the article to protect our identities. Minewas "Donald," not that I needed my identity protected as I really didn't give a shit. After all, I wrote the letters.

While the other two inmates were saying how great treatment was and how great the FCCC was, I was not so nice. I was the only person in the article speaking out against civil commitment. Needless to say the author of that article did not paint me in a particularly good light but, then again, I did not expect that she would, given my proclivities for advocating against civil commitment, tougher sex offender laws, false accusers and corrupt prosecutors. (LINK TO ARTICLE). It should come as no surprise that the other two inmates who were interviewed were later released while I am still here, with Bruce Bartlett and Kendall Davidson so zealously prosecuting me, trying to put me away again for the rest of my life.

In 2019 Ron Book, driving his Lamborghini, plowed into another car causing that car to roll over some three times and injuring the driver. Police tried to give Book a sobriety test which Book promptly refused. He was subsequently arrested and charged with a number of driving offenses. LINK TO VIDEO? The case is slated for trial in December, 2021. It could be the end of Mr. Book's career.

One can only hope.

It was good to see Ron Book knocked down a few steps. (LINK TO ARTICLE).

Lauren Book has become a professional victim and, unfortunately, became a Florida State Senator. She is a victim advocate and has continued to press her fellow legislative lunatics for tougher sex offender laws, and sponsored legislation making it harder for prisoners to get their post­ conviction motions filed and heard and get granted relief. (LINK TO LAUREN BOOK SENATE WEBSITE).

Not surprisingly, and I believe it goes without saying but I'll say it anyway, that those private corporations involved in the private, for-profit, prison and civil commitment industry in Florida, as well as their officers and family members, contribute heavily to Lauren Book's senate campaigns.

Go figure.

I also asked this psychiatrist, during this evaluation, if she had read or heard anything where I had accused the State Attorney's Office of any illegal or unethical conduct. This psychiatrist indicated that she had, and produced the last letter where I attempted to settle the case which was addressed directly to Bruce Bartlett, State Attorney. This letter was clearly labeled "Personal and Confidential" in big, bold, capital letters across the top. Since Mr. Bartlett clearly does not respect an offer to settle marked "Personal and Confidential," and turned that letter over to his psychiatrist, I have decided to release a copy of that letter and make that attempt to settle public. (LINK TO LETTER).

Once again, I tried to settle this case not because I am guilty of anything or because I believe I have some type of mental abnormality or personality disorder and in need of some type of treatment, but to save my ex-wives and ex-girlfriends the embarrassment and humiliation of going public, of an ass­ripping trial, and so that we could all put this nonsense behind us and get on with our lives. Once again, Bruce Bartlett, the State Attorney and his Assistant State Attorney, Kendall Davidson, thumbed their nose at me and refused to even speak to me about a settlement. (See blog dated August 1, 2021 above related to the deposition of Juanita Meek-Sellars. As revealed through that above post, they are trying again to put me away for the rest of my life as further punishment because in 2006 I stuck the criminal, natural life sentences up their ass. (Click and read the Introduction for further details)).

Only someone who is incompetent, and a complete dumbass, would want to be exposed as dirty, crooked and corrupt and want their witnesses exposed as liars and false accusers. But that is a chance they are willing to take to use civil commitment as further punishment. There was just one problem: They never figured that I would go public with their corrupt stratagems and shenanigans.

Copyright © 2022 by Gary L. Perrot
All Rights Reserved.
Copying or reproduction by any means is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Gary L. Perrot.

September 29, 2021

September 29, 2021: Court Hearing

 I had a court hearing today.  Assistant State Attorney Kendall Davidson announced that in January 2022 he was going to take six months off so that he could participate in the "drop program."

Apparently Davidson is going to retire and he must take that time off before he can come back to work and get paid for working while, at the same time, collecting his retirement benefits from being an assistant state attorney. It will be interesting to see who the next corrupt assistant state attorney will be to take his place.

Personally I think that corrupt assistant state attorneys, such as Kendall Davidson, need to be fired and not given their retirement and then allowed to return to work while, at the same time, collecting those retirement benefits so they can continue in their corrupt ways. I feel sorry for the residents of Pinellas County, Florida who have to foot the bill for those retirement benefits and continue to pay the salary for a corrupt prosecutor.

Here is another interesting tidbit of information that I learned during that hearing.

I was initially evaluated by two psychologists for the State: Dr. Amy Swan and Dr. Karen Parker.

Amy Swan also evaluated another FCCC inmate years ago and he was committed. Committed FCCC inmates are entitled to an annual review to determine if they are safe to be released. In the past year or so Dr. Swan revaluated this inmate and changed her opinion, determining he was safe to be released.

Subsequently, this FCCC inmate was released by the same judge (Judge Paul Levine) that I have.

Now here is the kicker: Dr. Swan, changing her opinion in that other case, so upset and pissed off Bruce Bartlett, the State Attorney, and ASA Davidson that on September·29, 2021 Davidson announced in open court that he· is no longer using · Amy Swan as an expert, and will not be using her as an expert against me. ASA Davidson is now searching for another expert to replace Dr. Swan and who will do his bidding his way without question. This new hired gun will now have to evaluate me in order to take Dr. Swan's place in my case.

I believe that Dr. Swan would have reversed her opinion concerning me because of my age and medical issues. Thus, I believe, the reason Davidson has decided not to use her further in my case.

What more proof does a person need before they believe that Bartlett and Davidson are corrupt and are not interested in following the law unless it suits them?

Copyright © 2022 by Gary L. Perrot
All Rights Reserved.
Copying or reproduction by any means is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Gary L. Perrot.